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Product Description

The Wind to Hydrogen Science Education Kit enables students to invent their own clean energy applications using a small electric motor powered by a fuel cell. Hydrogen is produced through water electrolysis by a reversible PEM fuel cell that is itself powered by a wind turbine with profiled blades based on NASA aeronau- tics. This hydrogen is then converted to electrical energy by the fuel cell and can be used to power a small fan.


Experiments & Activities

Battery Pack

✔ Energy from Hydrogen Experiments
1. Electrolysis Mode Generating H2 and O2
2. Fuel Cell Mode Generating Electricity from H2 and O2 3. DeterminingtheMinimumWaterDecompositionVoltage 4. Polarization States for Hydrogen Fuel Cells

✔ Wind Energy Experiments
1. How Many Blades Are Best - 1, 2, 3 ... More?
2. Using Three Different Curved Blade Shapes
3. Using Blades You Make Yourself
4. Turbine Efficiencies
5. Measuring RPM
6. Tuning For Maximum Power
7. How Blade Angle or Pitch Affects Output Power 8. To Generate Hydrogen

✔ Turn wind power into hydrogen energy
✔ Build your own hydrogen fuel cell powered inven-

✔ Features revolutionary new Horizon wind turbine

✔ Includes Horizon’s complete curriculum on renew- able energy on CD

✔ Demonstrate the principles of wind energy, hydro- gen fuel cells, electrolysis and basic electronics

Language Pack

✔ CD Experiment Manual: ✔ Assembly Guide :
✔ Technical Support Guide:

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Wind to Hydrogen Science Kit

Packing Information

Kit Content

✔ Wind Energy Science Kit (FCJJ-39)
✔ LED Module
✔ Reversible PEM fuel cell module
✔ Water/gas storage tanks module
✔ Tubing, connecting leads, and accessories ✔ Motor with fan propeller blade

✔ 9 profiled blades for turbine (3 sets of 3 types) ✔ Assembly guide
✔ Renewable Energy Curriculum CD

Wind to Hydrogen Science Kit

Stok kodu: FCJJ-56-
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